Glenn Gomez Photography

About Me


I’m a completely self-taught photographer. Since I was a young lad, I’ve been dabbling with some camera or the other. I grew up in a small town so opportunities weren’t many but the photographer in me made the most of it. I am a veteran Army Officer and the love for outdoors and adventure comes naturally to me in my photography journey. I like to get creative when composing a picture and like my image to tell a story.

I have an eye for detail and currently use Sony gear for my special captures. My love for photography has taken me to various places in the world.

Earlier, it was just a hobby and love for taking pictures and capturing moments with my family and friends and some personal adventures. I think it’s only after I travelled to Africa that I decided to pursue my hobby with extra passion. Now it’s not just clicking a picture. It’s about my light, lens, subject, composition, getting creative, not being too hard on myself and the hero of this all ‘PATIENCE’.

My photography makes me travel, share my memories and thoughts with like-minded friends. Photography is my stress buster and like meditation for me. Going through older images is like life rewinding before your eyes. Looking at subject material through my lens has also given me a different perspective of life in general. 

From all the places I have travelled, I feel I have connected to Masai Mara the most and want to share my experiences of this wonderful land.

I first went to Masai Mara with my family in 1999 and it was instant love and fascination for the animals, terrain, landscape and the people. It was love at first sight and I hoped and prayed that I could visit this nature’s gift again. 

My wish came true soon enough as I entered a photography competition held by Kenyan Airways.  I won that competition and was invited to visit the Mara and take as many pictures as possible. The best ones were selected and featured on the calendar and magazines of the airline.

The Masai Mara or ‘The Mara’ is indeed a beautiful and stunning place on the earth. It is named after the traditional people of the land. It feels like the animals have been placed there to live, hunt and roam freely in their natural habitat. There are grasslands, mountains, rivers and an expansive terrain. You can find several species of animals and birds. The most famous are the big 5 and millions of zebras and wildebeest that crossover during their migration period between July and October. Thousands lose their lives to waiting crocodiles, lions and leopards. It is a natural phenomenon that has been occurring since time immemorial and definitely a spectacle not to be missed.

Take a photo….make a memory forever………

It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart, and head.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Ceo & Founder Crix
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